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2023 Secondary Teachers and Staff of the Year

Posted Date: 05/03/2024

2023 Secondary Teachers and Staff of the Year

Congratulations to our 2022-23 Secondary Teachers and Staff of the Year!



Middle School Staff of the Year: Denise Whitfield

Mrs. Whitfield is a Behavior Coach at Quinn Middle School. This is her fifth year at Rapoport Academy. 

About Mrs. Whitfield:
I have been in education for over 10 years, with the majority of my background in this field being early childhood education. I am a graduate of Grand Canyon University with a Master's degree in Educational Leadership. 

What Our Admin Say:
Ms. Whitfield is HARD WORKING, RESPONSIBLE, RESPECTFUL and full of INTEGRITY.  She makes herself available to any need and has such a calm presence to encourage and correct our students toward success.

What Inspires Her to Work in Education:
Having the opportunity to influence even the smallest growth in students inspires me to continue working in education. 

Middle School Teacher of the Year: Monica Underwood 

Mrs. Underwood is an 8th grade Social Studies teacher at Quinn Middle School. This is her fifth year at Rapoport Academy. 

About Mrs. Underwood:
I'm a wife + mom; a cat, coffee, and live music lover. I have a Bachelor's in history, but I am a forever student. Something I’m looking forward to is my very first group of 8th graders are seniors this year. I am SO READY to see them walk the stage! I also enjoy working with student council hosting dances the last couple of years, and seeing what AMAZING things our students create at this years district arts night. 

What Our Admin Say:
Mrs. Underwood shows RESPONSIBILITY by putting all of herself into every single day.  She WORKS HARD devoting long hours to creating rigorous and engaging lessons. She also supports the whole student by caring for their needs and ensuring our student council has exciting activities that make coming to school more fun! 

What Inspires Her to Work in Education:
Getting to connect with students; if I can inspire a student to learn about their world, or themselves, I feel like I've done my job well. Getting to celebrate their success and achievements with them are my favorite part of the job. 

High School Staff of the Year: Philip Workman

Mr. Workman is a Teaching Assistant at Meyer High School. This is his 2nd year at Rapoport Academy. 

About Mr. Workman:
I have been married to my best friend for 31 years. God has blessed me with the chance to serve Him in many special ways. I was born in Fort Worth, grew up in Malawi, Southeast Africa, and have lived in China and Cambodia. I love playing volleyball. My favorite food is authentic Chinese from Northeast China. My favorite TV show is the first season of Ted Lasso!  "Be a Goldfish!"

What Our Admin Say:
Mr. Workman is one of the most HARD WORKING people on our campus. He teaches, redirects, makes his presence known, never complains and is extremely consistent in all that he does.  There is no one who steps in to fill more gaps than Mr. Workman.

What Inspires Him to Work in Education:
Education helps shape lives.  As educators, we can choose to show up each day and make life better for those in our classrooms.  I was touched by some amazing teachers who saw past the shy, quiet skinny kid in the back of the class and inspired me to reach for my dreams.  I will always be grateful to them. I want to be an advocate for students like that. 

High School Teacher of the Year: Vanessa Wilcox

Ms. Wilcox is a Science teacher at Meyer High School. This is her second year at Rapoport Academy. 

About Ms. Wilcox:
I have been teaching for 17 years- currently teaching physics, chemistry, and forensics. I have a son about to graduate from college in creative writing. My favorite things to do are travel, hiking in the woods, chill at the beach in the evenings, and read a good book by a campfire. 

What Our Admin Say:
Ms. Wilcox achieves more student success, even with really difficult students, than anyone else on campus. She is CREATIVE and engages all students to be CURIOUS through experiments and hands-on learning.

What Inspires Her to Work in Education:
My students.