Posted Date: 01/13/2022
Over the last 24 hours, we have continued to see an increase in the number of students and staff testing positive and/or needing to quarantine due to close contacts - especially within the household. We were able to cover today but we are not able to effectively operate the district tomorrow, Friday, or on Tuesday. Our teachers, support staff, and especially our food service team have been dramatically impacted these last three days. We will return to school fully, and hopefully healthy, on Wednesday, January 19th.
We ask that everyone take these 5 days to limit their exposure, monitor symptoms, and test if symptoms are present or you are a close contact to someone who is positive. Please do not return to campus if you have undiagnosed symptoms, have tested positive within the last 5 days, or are waiting on test results.
We will be sanitizing all of our classrooms and common areas over this 5-day break and limiting staff presence on campus.
There will be no remote learning the two days we are closing campus and we will not have to use bad weather make-up days or extend the year.
Hopefully, this long break will allow our staff to return healthy, our students to return healthy, and any pending sickness to show so that the spread does not happen at campus.
Wear a mask, wash your hands, be sure your vaccinations are up-to-date, monitor your symptoms, and quarantine when needed.