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100 Days of School Lesson is a Tribute to Teacher's 102-year-old Grandmother

Posted Date: 01/28/2022

100 Days of School Lesson is a Tribute to Teacher's 102-year-old Grandmother

While many of our students dressed up like 100-year-olds today, 1st graders in Mrs. Tooker's class had a special social studies lesson about a Waco woman who lived to be 102.

Mrs. Tooker showed the students photos of the woman growing up in Waco and talked about the changes in technology, fashion and historical events like the Great Depression.

At the end of the presentation, she revealed that the special historical figure was her own grandmother, Emily Blake Tooker! What an amazing way to use the 100-day theme to teach about the amazing life she lived and the BIG impact of 100 years of history! Don't miss the students' reactions when they find out! 😲😍😂